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Wheen Bee Foundation Impact Report out now

The Wheen Bee Foundation’s Impact Report for the 2023 financial year is out now. The report outlines the Wheen Bee Foundation's major programs, events and achievements, highlighting the tangible impact on bees and other pollinators.

In the past 12 months, the Wheen Bee Foundation launched several new initiatives, each furthering the foundation’s four main focuses of activity – research and development, awareness and education, connecting people and fundraising. These new initiatives included the Centre for Bee Education, the Australian Pollinator Count, the Pollinator Photography Competition, the Discover Bees of Australia poster and the Carman’s Trees for Bees Community Tree Grants.

In addition to these new initiatives, the Wheen Bee Foundation has awarded $65,000 in tree grants over the past two years, planting more than 92 hectares of pollinator friendly habitat, supported the Pollination Security CRC Core Bid Group which attracted $53 million in partnerships and partnered with Federal, State and local governments to invest $257,000 in the Powerful Pollinator Planting Guides program.

All of these achievements are made possible thanks to donations from the Wheen Bee Foundation’s generous supporters. To donate visit

Read the report here.

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